Sylverpoint Miscellany
"Endnotes to the magnum opus inscribed in silver"
c.237x167mm, prepared (clay-coated) paper, 40 leaves, COMPLETE, in seven quires of six leaves each with the first and last leaves (i1 and vii6) pasted to plywood binding board, i2 with black fabric tape, vii5 with black fabric tape and pasted endpaper, paper hinge reinforcements throughout; ALL TEXT INSCRIBED WITH SILVER STYUS, except notes in variously colored ink on inside back cover and facing endpaper; Miscellany proper composed in two columns of approximately 80 lines each; ii4v and ii5r in three columns; Waxpack authenticators from iii3v onward composed in six columns; bearing nine distinct artist's stamps; ORIGINAL BINDING of medium brown cowhide over plywood, inscribed "SVPT MISC" in white enamel on light pink ground.
Reference: 8L.01.1.32