
Flashcard Paintings


Flashcards are an educational aid. A student reviews a prompt on one side of a card, offers a corresponding factoid in response, then verifies her response by checking the intended answer inscribed on the other side. In this manner, sums of information are systematized and committed to memory. In the paintings below, content is similarly “flashed" from card to card, prompting the observer/viewer/reviewer to seek relationships between neighboring cards, between broader groupings and the overlaying imagery.

Query (2009)Oil on linen.Series: Flashcard Painting40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframedReference: IS.FLASH.4.170

Oil on linen.
Series: Flashcard Painting
40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframed
Reference: IS.FLASH.4.170

Tulipomania (2011)Oil on linen.Series: Flashcard Painting40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframedReference: IS.FLASH.8.174

Oil on linen.
Series: Flashcard Painting
40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframed
Reference: IS.FLASH.8.174


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Pipe Dream(2009)Oil on linen.Series: Flashcard Painting40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframedReference: IS.FLASH.5.171

Pipe Dream
Oil on linen.
Series: Flashcard Painting
40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframed
Reference: IS.FLASH.5.171

Challenger (2011)Oil on linen.Series: Flashcard Painting40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframedReference: IS.FLASH.7.173

Oil on linen.
Series: Flashcard Painting
40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframed
Reference: IS.FLASH.7.173

Gesture Test (2009)Oil on linen.Series: Flashcard Painting40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframedReference: IS.FLASH.6.172

Gesture Test
Oil on linen.
Series: Flashcard Painting
40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframed
Reference: IS.FLASH.6.172

Empty Set(2008)Oil on linen.Series: Flashcard Painting40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframedReference: IS.FLASH.3.169

Empty Set
Oil on linen.
Series: Flashcard Painting
40 x 26 in. (101.6 x 66 cm), unframed
Reference: IS.FLASH.3.169

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